By Redeemer Lutheran on Aug 31, 2015 05:50 am The Followers of Jesus as well ordered. Comment to: The Followers of Jesus as well ordered sets us up as a people who have a way of life into which we are moving this day. The day is well ordered - it is ordered by the vision of God's Reign. We are not a people who simply do as we please because God loves us no matter what we do. We have been handed a way of life that reflects the image of God. It has an order - it has a character - it produces a pattern within everyday life. The Follower of Jesus as well ordered need to practice that ordered life. Our lives need to be order - disciplined - in the way of peacemaking so that when the tensions of the day call out for violence and war, we will walk in the ways of peace. We must be well ordered in such times. We are to be able to say 'hey, not that way' - 'this way.' Often, I need you to help keep my day in order - within the order of God's Reign. O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, lead us and guide us this day. Amen. Read in browser »  By Redeemer Lutheran on Aug 28, 2015 05:50 pm The Followers of Jesus as quite ordinary. Comments to: The Followers of Jesus as quite ordinary reminds us that God's Reign is always pulling us - all of us - each of us into the love of God even as we are simply just quite ordinary. It is not what we do or what we say what we will do or how we go about ritualizing what we will do. Rather, within the reality of being quite ordinary God is always taking who we are and inspiring us to be exactly that - the one God loves. The Followers of Jesus as quite ordinary are inspired to trust God at God's word and we then unfold our gifts within the space of time we exist. Ordinary saints show ordinary love and mercy and compassion and justice and it is enough to quite change the world. O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, unleash your will within our lives. When we are afraid to live within your Reign just as we are, let your Spirit wrestle with us and draw us in. Amen. Read in browser »  Recent Articles: