Friday, October 30, 2015

Weekday Devotions for 10/30/2015

Pastor Al Debelak's Weekday Devotions.
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Weekday Devotions

Redeemer Lutheran

10/30/2015 edition

Weekday Devotions

By Redeemer Lutheran on Oct 30, 2015 05:50 am

The Reign of God as generosity. Comments to:

The Reign of God as generosity refute any other stance. No if.... No but... No exceptions... The Reign of God is for all in all times and it depends on nothing more than God's generosity. The word to all of us - especially religious folk of all kind - is get out of the way so that this life full of God's love and presence can be exposed and overwhelm us. The Reign of God as generosity does not let the inhospitality of the world even have a say.

O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, let your reign begin again today. Amen.

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Weekday Devotions for 10/29/2015

Pastor Al Debelak's Weekday Devotions.
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Weekday Devotions

Redeemer Lutheran

10/29/2015 edition

Weekday Devotions

By Redeemer Lutheran on Oct 29, 2015 05:50 am

The Reign of God as Generosity. Comments to:

The Reign of God as generosity is always greeted with bit of confusion and shock. Can we welcome those people under these conditions after what has gone down? Yes. That is the generosity of the Reign of God when it is the life in which we find ourselves. The wide open hands that hand us life and love without any condition - with a generosity that befuddles the world - is usually rejected. Sometimes by all of us who are the recipients of such generosity but more so if we see folks we have deemed as unworthy being the recipient of such generosity. The Reign of God as generosity disturbs religious folk who want to make life into a journey of accomplishment and rewards. But the Reign of God will eternally hand out life and hope and renewal as easily as a person longing for a few kids to come to the house on Halloween because there is a huge basket of candy that s/he wants to simply give away. A handful of candy goes in the bag of even the children who cannot say the right words or the teens who are too embarrassed to say them. Pass out the candy!

O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, teach us to live out the generous love that embraces us everyday as you claim us as your beloved. Amen.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weekday Devotions for 10/28/2015

Pastor Al Debelak's Weekday Devotions.
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Weekday Devotions

Redeemer Lutheran

10/28/2015 edition

Weekday Devotions

By Redeemer Lutheran on Oct 28, 2015 05:50 am

The Reign of God as generosity. Comments to:

The Reign of God as generosity does not hold the future hostage. It does not ask 'Where will you spend eternity?' as though it is a question we must decide. The Reign of God as generosity let's us know exactly where all time is spent - in the presence and embrace of our God. Unfortunately, we all know that threat seems to win hearts - or at least it immerses us so much in threat and fear that we begin to think that the future is in jeopardy. The Reign of God as generosity tells us the truth about God's power to judge as God will judge - with an eternally loving embrace so that each moment is lived in the fullness of God's presence. Generosity does not begin when we have done everything right or prove that we believed everything correctly. That - is game playing. Generosity hands us the gift and the gift is the power that brings new life - not my decision. The Reign of God as generosity exposes the words of conditional religious messages as lies - straight out lies.

O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, by your grace - your gift of love - you words of promise, we enter into life eternal and begin already to act within its fullness. We thank you for your promises. Amen.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Weekday Devotions for 10/27/2015

Pastor Al Debelak's Weekday Devotions.
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Weekday Devotions

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10/27/2015 edition

Weekday Devotions

By Redeemer Lutheran on Oct 27, 2015 05:50 am

The Reign of God as generosity. Comments to:

The Reign of God as generosity is poised to press us on into a life that is much more than we ever thought possible. Generosity can do that. When we are gifted for no reason - gifted for simply being present - gifted without expectation, it has the power of making us turn our heads. We turn our heads when we cannot believe that which we just saw or hear. "Did you see that!?" "Did you hear that!?!" It is not so much a question as it is an amazement. It is something we really see or hear but it is also something outside the box of everyday life and therefore it carries a bit of a question with it. The Reign of God as generosity will shake us and it will disturb us and it may not be the kind of stuff we want to hear or see. And yet, the generosity of this Reign never ceases because of we are able to grasp or understand. The Generosity happens and we are at times grasped by it and changed.

O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, expand our day again with your generous love. Amen.

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Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekday Devotions for 10/26/2015

Pastor Al Debelak's Weekday Devotions.
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Weekday Devotions

Redeemer Lutheran

10/26/2015 edition

Weekday Devotions

By Redeemer Lutheran on Oct 26, 2015 05:50 am

The Reign of God as generosity. Comments to:

The Reign of God as generosity points us to more. If now we are beloved what is next? More of the same - and yet more of more of the same. This God or ours never ceases to bestow on God's people more of that which God has to offer. Therefore, the Reign of God as generosity is never calling back that which has been given to us. Rather, no matter how we have been acting or how we have been taking care of the life that has been handed to us - God creates us with a spirit of generosity that compels us to carry on within life that is fueled by generosity. I have found that as I am treated with acts of generosity - or even when I simply see them take place and it has nothing to do with me - I am inspired to live within that spirit. The Reign of God as generosity is a Reign that takes up the present moment. It is not something saved for later. Since I have been married I have learned from my wife that we gift - at any time - at no designated time - without reason - without fear that we will do without. She seems to love gifting others. Generosity need not be planned out and it certainly cannot be ruled by conditions. It is a power - a character - that quite uncontrollably frees up everyone to let go and live.

O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, you freely give and we are fed and our hearts begin to learn the way of your generous Reign. We thank you. Amen.

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