Thursday, October 16, 2003

Friday, 17 October, 2003

From “The Cross in our Context” by Douglas John Hall

…Golgotha does affirm (with Jesus’ earlier teaching) that “for mortals [what is asked of human life] is impossible,” but more strongly still it insists that “for God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). And the cross of Jesus is above all God’s dispensatio (economy, stratagem), however much it may also be of humankind’s instrumentality. What it tells us of human capabilities is that we are capable of great evil. But what it (the cross) tells us of God’s capability for us – pro nobis – is that great good may come even out of our evil intentions and acts.

Through us God works amazing things. Yes, we may be a broken people capable of great evil in many ways, but we are also the instruments of God’s creative movement in the world…a movement marked with the cross of Christ forever. Yes, from common people like all of us, God breathes into creation a life that is self-sacrificing and wholly concerned with the peace making and healing of all. The cross excludes no one. How is it that Christians have become known as the great dividers and masters of exclusion? It is as though we are afraid of the God who come to be with us in the cross. Let us not be afraid to open our arms and make the evil powers of our world do what they will but we will not join them in their vision of division, hatred and exclusion. We do, live by grace alone, don’t we!?!?!

Connection: There will be bad things within our day….maybe even evil things. That is life within the human community. But then, God call us to be something new within the brew of creation. God will be with us all the way, so we can stand up against whatever will come our way.

Lord, encourage us to live within the merciful Reign of our Crucified Lord, Jesus. Amen.

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