Friday, August 27, 2004

Friday, 27 August, 2004

The opening piece is from “Union with Christ” – The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther.

…Luther goes on to argue that a Christian is provided with two firm and immensely strong foundations or supports, namely grace and gift. Because of them the still remaining and real sin is not able to bring damnation to a Christian.

In sum, Luther’s understanding that God the Father is favorable to a sinner and that Christ renews a sinner is based on the idea of “union with Christ.” This same idea explains why grace and gift are necessary to each other. Gift is not only a consequence of grace, as is usually emphasized in Lutheran theology, but it is in a certain sense a condition for grace as well.

This is not merely a way to see one’s own life. This is the way to view others. How would it be if we in the Church could look across the aisle and not be so consumed by what is wrong or “sinful” about those-over-there, and instead, give thanks to God who brings us all into union with the Christ? We find much to limit the abundant grace of God and by that; we become a people whose graciousness is diminished to the point of being completely hidden to the world.

Connection: What a gift we are to the world. By grace we can leap into this day and offer ourselves as gifts to those around us and in that whole event, the one who gift’s us with new life is seen by all around us. Take the chance and leap into the promise of God’s love today.

Keep us mindful of your love, O God, so that as we again face what will be, we will be filled with your love and that love will begin the wonderful transformation of each of us and the whole world. Amen.

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