Monday, August 8, 2005

9 August 2005

Here is the good news story told again through the eyes of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15.

For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am. and his grace toward me has not been in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them - though it was not I but the grace of God that is with me. Whether then it was I or they, so we proclaim and so you have come to believe. (1 Cor. 15:3-11)

Paul tells the story but then he becomes the story. He is pulled into its power because the grace of God gives him life beyond what he ever expected and it is a life full of grace and founded on the love of God that free us up to live a new matter what might have been the life we led before this day. How could it be that someone who was such a persecutor (not simply a back-biter or gossip -- but someone who would look to have you killed!) could be one now called an apostle - an up front disciple of Jesus who claims immediate and personal contact with the Lord, Jesus. Well...Paul says it: by the grace of God. Here again is where the whole story telling begins and ends. But more than that, this is where the power of the gospel is made manifest in the flesh. Real life "nobodies"...real life "bottom dwellers" have a place...and a place of honor because it is where God would have us. The story of Jesus may just be a story those who know that it is a story that reveals God's forever being for is a source of life that can take whatever has been and turn it into a fresh start. At the same time, "by the grace of God, I am what I am." We do not need to deny our own story...or hid it...or condemn it. All of it is redeemed by God. the whole of us is saved...the good, the bad, and the even worse.

Connection: Too often it is a temptation to try to rid ourselves of what has gone wrong in our lives. It might be bad decision, less than wise investments, poor choices, or actions that are quite contrary to who we know we are in God's eyes. And yet, by grace we are urged to remember it all and walk forward into this day knowing how our whole life is open to new adventures.

By the power of you love, O Blessed Lord of Life, you embrace us...all of us...every part of us and you invite us into a way of life that is radically new and outside of our expectations. Continue, O God, to walk along with us. Amen.

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