Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, 22 January, 2007

Due to "technical difficulties," last week we were not able to send the devotions for Wed., Thurs., or Friday. Therefore, I'm attempting to do it again beginning with Monday 1/22. We continue with Colossians.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (2:6-7)

Remember this is a receiving that is free...since you have been handed the Christ, Jesus,...since you have had the grace of God freely poured over you...since you have been embraced and will never be let go...never...ever - continue to live as though it is the truth of this day. Another way to look at continue to live your lives is to simply go along with the alternate reading that many bibles show in the footnotes - continue to walk... This has an active sense to it. I read it as that active...along the way to understand and make real what has been handed to us. During the Rite of Healing, I often use in some prayers words that draw upon the image of standing on a foundation of love and peace and the power that is available in such a position. We are a people who are rooted even when we feel or look or are treated as though we are nothing. We are rooted. We have been placed on a foundation that does not crumble and will not be pulled out from under us. What are we to do knowing such a truth - trust it...believe it...and now take a walk within it as though no other attempts at truth-telling will ever overwhelm this gift in Christ, Jesus. Once again, I think the radical notion of this walk is that it is quite at odds with what is so easily accepted as the truth for the day. This walk is and must be a walk with and alongside others so that we are not left to ourselves so that we can be blown away by any power or threat or temptation that attempts to trip us.

Connection: Remember how rooted you are in this love that will not let you go. That is a wonderful way to experience the day and whatever will come among us.

O God of Grace, it is you will that we shall not be uprooted by any power in any time. You have given us one another so that we can be side by side holding onto the truth of your presence and the promise of life that abounds. As we walk within the Reign of your Christ, encourage us to live in thanksgiving and joy. Amen.

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