Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tueday 11 September 2007

I hope this stuff by Tuomo Mannerma make sense...rather...I hope my reflections on his stuff makes sense. As for now, we will continue with his writing on Luther.

The core of Luther's concept of (real) participation (in Christ) finds expression in the notion of "happy exchange," according to which Christ takes upon himself the sinful person of a human being and bestows his own righteous person upon him or her. What takes place here between Christ and the believer is a kind of communication of attributes: Christ, the divine righteousness, truth, peace, joy, love, power, and life, gives himself to the Christian. At the same time, Christ "absorbs" the believer's sin, death, and curse into himself. As Christians thus really participate in Christ, they have no sin or death.

This is not identity theft. Rather, it is more like identity enhancement. We do not lose our individual character. I am still the person I am in God's eyes. I am free to be me - a child of God. I do not have to carry around the baggage of my brokenness. I am out of the control of the sin that can so easily dominate life and crush it. Therefore, this day is as fresh of a day as was the day the water of baptism was poured over my head. Unfortunately, I can rarely hold onto that reality in Christ, Jesus. It is so easy to think that I must make something of myself or perform up to some standards that have I have taken on as a way to "make it" in the world. As that happens, I lose sight of that gift of Christ's presence and God's indwelling in my life. It is very important to remember that this Christ never leaves even as I walk out on this reality of being in union with Christ. Christ always abides. Christ is the hope of the day that unfolds around me. When that is the case, I am empowered to face any accuser and face all things that have been a part of my downfall. I need not let them control me because I have a reality I am to consider and trust to be my own. I find that this is particularly important for people in the the church who are often oppressed by the church. We have a way of pointing fingers at some and pointing out what we see as sin in them. Unfortunately for all of us, when this takes place we do not acknowledge the central core of others - the Christ. When that happens, there will be no dialogue...there will be no trusting of others...there will only be division...when in Christ, there is no division.

Connection: Look in the mirror. It will be the same old you...but remember it is also the same old you that is matter Christ. That's a building block of hope.

By your presence, O God, we can be lifted up to face all that this day will bring. We need only lift up our faces to see your face in ours and in our neighbor. Give us all the vision to see you more clearly. Amen.

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