Monday, October 1, 2007

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Let's look again at life in the land of our relationship with Christ and with our neighbors.

...Luther emphasizes that in relation to one's neighbors and to one's own flesh, i.e., the "old Adam [Eve]" - that is, outside the domain of conscience - the law "must be made God." There in fact, one cannot speak of it "with sufficient respect." In the conscience, however - that is, before God - the law is a "devil that bring death with it."

Don't throw out the law! It is so vital to how we live together with one another. Those ten commandments from Mt. Sinai make up an important part of how we are to get along with one another. The "old Adam or Eve" really knows how to control things and turn a situation into a self-centered mess. Therefore, we need these laws and must listen to them as though they are the way the day is held together for life. You know how important the law must be when we hear Luther say that it "must be made God." If we do not hold it is such a primary spot in our life together, it is so easy for chaos to reign. And yet, as this is the case with the law, it is also primary that we keep it out of our relationship with God as we stand in relationship with our Lord and Creator. My terrible driving may make me a fool to my neighbor and even cause an accident - therefore, good laws help all of us stay safe....But this, has nothing to do with how I am before God. I would submit that it is the "eternal nature" of this primary relationship that has be power to shape who we are even in a world ruled by laws.

Connection: So...abide by the law - it does us all well.

From age to age, O God, you bring us the gifts of your Reign. It is by your love that we learn to love and we become citizens within your Reign and within the daily life of the world around us. We give you thanks for the wisdom of the law and the way we are allowed to live in relationship to our neighbors even when each of us is reckless and unruly. Praise be to you. Amen.

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