Saturday, December 8, 2007

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Within the cultural day of Paul, there was an understanding about the natural way of being sexual. It "controlled not only the type but also the frequency of that intimacy." Blount continues:

One performed such acts not as a way of sharing intimacy but of procreating the human species or checking the fires and flames of passion between men and women. The contemporary understanding of intimate homosexual union that often expresses itself physically and celebrates passion within a a committed relationship was alien to Paul as Paul knew the possibility of a believer marrying a pagan was alien to Jesus. So Paul did what others in his Greco-Roman context were doing: He tied his understanding of sexuality to an understanding of sex acts that were properly condoned only when done according to the natural order designed for procreation or as a remedy for the burning passions of lust that apparently threatened the eruption of human bonfires all over the ancient world.

More and more we need to face the reality that our church includes faithful followers of Jesus who are homosexuals. This is already a part of the life of the community in which we worship our God and live as people living within God's Reign. At that point, we can begin to discuss how we all will live together and what we expect within our communities when it comes to our sexual intimacy. This will take work - even if we all would agree that all are welcome and homosexuality does not preclude one's place within the life church. Here is when the face to face conversations must bring us into a deeper sense of what it is to be faithful within a committed relationship that begins with expectations of a life together and the expectation that we will honor one another and keep us focused on whose we are and how that shapes all of our relationship - especially our intimate ones. We ask the community of faith to stand with a heterosexual couples as they are entering into marriage and to help keep them together in and through all things. That, takes work....but we really don't even do that well. Wouldn't it be good for the community to offer such a word of support to homosexual couples in the congregation. Then, in both cases, try to live up to our word to the couples. I don't need to know how a couple has sex to be a help to them in their life together. We want to encourage an intimacy that brings couples closer as they honor one another and then also turn out into the world and honor others.

Connection: Think about it...what is the next step the church needs to be taking rather than staying stuck in an argument that, in many ways, is all about a dead word.

Teach us all, O God, to find the ways of becoming fully human as we engage one another and form intimate relationship. As our humanity is expanded, may we bring good news to all so that your Reign encourages a life that honors others, respects the differences we see and do not understand, and then, is will to also speak a word of correction and admonition as is needed among all of us. Come, O Lord of All, and bless us with your Spirit of recreation. Amen.

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