Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Now we look at who we are within this Reign of God - by Stanley Hauerwas.

Finally, the nature of God's kingdom is found also, and perhaps most particularly, in the calling of the disciples. Jesus calls his disciples to follow him, to leave all that they have, to leaving dead to bury dead, in a manner not dissimilar to what is required of those called to fight a holy war. They are to make a radical break with security and possessions, with the customs and habits of everyday life, for no other purpose than to share in his ministry of preaching the repentance needed to become part of the kingdom (Mark 3:13; Matt. 10:5ff). Discipleship is quite simply extended training in being dispossessed. To become followers of Jesus means that we must, like him, be dispossessed of all that we think gives us power over our own lives and the lives of others. Unless we learn to relinquish our presumption that we can ensure the significance of our lives, we are not capable of the peace of God's kingdom.

"Discipleship is quite simply extended training in being dispossessed." I read that line and had to sit with it awhile. I possess so much. And yet, this is not merely about what I possess, it is about how that which I possess, possesses me. Being dispossessed means the power that is given to that which can make the calls on my life - other than God's invitation to live within God's Reign - is to become powerless in my life. That is not an easy adventure. It is surely a daily one. Quite like rising in the morning and remembering that I am baptized and that is the foundational event that will shape the day - not the things and people I try to possess me or that I let possess me. We are already in our baptism children of God. That is enough. How can my life or your life be more significant than that. It is from that status that we move through the day as the dispossessed and the beloved of God. Our God given status and identity is the power to make us significantly alive within God's peace.

Connection: Sometimes it takes a bit of remembering to change around how we take the next step or action within this day. are a beloved child of God.

Gracious Lord, as you bring us into your loving Reign and as we keep that reality close to our hearts, we are able to begin the journey through the cross and into the realm of your shalom. You give us a place to stand and a place to begin again and a place to leap out into this day as ones blessed and ready to rejoice in the life you hand us. We thank you, O God. Amen.

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