Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Redeemer Devotions - July 12, 2012

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

A bit more of bit by bit through James Alison on Stretching the Shape of Forgiveness in "The Resurrection and Original Sin."


It becomes clear that God is not only capable of forgiving us for such things as we might have done, but the shape of (God's) forgiveness stretches further than that, into what we are: we are humans tied into the human reality of death. We need no longer be. 

...Furthermore we can see that the only way we are able to appreciate our true condition as humans-marked-by-death is precisely as it is revealed to us that that condition is unnecessary. It is in this way that the doctrine of original sin is the culmination of the revealed understanding of being human: the shape of divine forgiveness revealed in the resurrection of Jesus shows itself to stretch into our congenital involvement with death. The doctrine of original sin is the doctrine of un-necessity of death.


Sorry to be so simple-minded, but I want to say 'to life' again and again. To Life. We are invited into life eternal. That is, life everyday - to its fullest - into all of what is expected in life and all that surprises us. To Life. When forgiveness rules, death has no chance to rule us. We will be ones who walk right into everything death has to offer and take it as just another part of life eternal. Death - at that point - loses its sting. After the resurrection, the early church realized that even though the first disciples ran from the scene of life-beyond-the-power-of-death, they came around. They came around to life that had always been removed from life. Jesus was alive. Jesus was eating, drinking, talking, teaching, and holding hands so that the saint of God would follow along through death by the power of forgiveness that cannot be dismantled and dismissed. Remember, forgiveness reigns even after the body is brought down off of the cross - just look around the empty tomb on Easter.


Connection: Having said all this, I still know that when I am discouraged or feeling a bit helpless it is not easy to remember "life!" Instead, my world crumbles and it feels like the end. I must remember that even when the computer will not work - the moment is still full of Life!  Get on with it Al. Get ready to live again.


O God of life, all that is forgiven becomes fuel for all that is opening up the day at hand. New life can and will take place. You make sure that both my enemy and I are free to enter today in peace and all hopefulness. Praise to you, O God.  Amen.







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