Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for January 8, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as beyond words. If you have any comments - .


Once again this last Sunday I was caught up in the word from the prophet Jeremiah. Like the words of Isaiah that we have heard over Advent and Christmas, we are handed the image of God as beyond words. Yes, all sorts of words are used by these insight-full poets but the words - in all their wonder and beauty - do not give us the fullness of our God. Our God - the God that rescues and saves and delivers an forgives and offer us a new future and takes away our fears is more than the words we can use to tell the world about God. Therefore, God as beyond words invites us to live. Yes, like the word mad flesh - live. In our living comes more of the fullness of God than any of our words can reveal. Most folks eventually get tired of words. But when those word reveal a life that is as real as the day-to-day life around us, we have stepped beyond words and into the living presence of God made flesh - of God as words made into the action and life that words attempt to get at.


O God of love and new life, inspire us to we to the world around us - a living word that spells out a bit of your gracious Reign. Amen.









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