By Redeemer Lutheran on May 21, 2015 05:55 am The Followers of Jesus as wakeful. Any comments to: The Followers of Jesus as wakeful is a state of action and restfulness. We are to be eternally available to act within the context of the world around us. When we see violence and brokenness we are to be awake to such a reality and act out in the ways of Jesus. That means we need to counter the violence with nonviolence and be healing agents when we see brokenness. We are also to be people who rest in God alone. That restfulness may mean that we do not pursue the ways of the world around us. We rest within the values and visions and character that we see in the life of Jesus - we take all that on as our own. Being ready to act and able to rest can be a reality for us. The Followers of Jesus as wakeful can be like this whenever the Spirit helps us to see the power of the empires around us and then encourages us to act contrary to them. We are not to be a people who settle for what is. This includes old notions of what is to be and it includes the fleeting images of what is popular at the moment. I the weekly bible study we are working through the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph had beneath him a foundation - a character - that enabled him to be forthright in the face of the temptress (Potipher's wife) and free to speak out in the world of dreams that will change the face of the powerful empire of Pharaoh. When we are wakeful, we are never without the stories that will wake us up to the vision of God's Reign - even as we are face-to-face with those who want nothing to do with such a vision. God of Love and All Hopefulness, ground us and hold us and then release us into the world in which we live each. Send us out as your body in the world. Amen. Read in browser »  Recent Articles:
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