By Redeemer Lutheran on Jul 21, 2015 05:50 am The Followers of Jesus as staying in touch. Comments to: The Followers of Jesus as staying in touch do not let some folks be forgotten. That happens very quickly in our society. We simply forget about those folks over there. Often, it really takes quite a bit of energy - emotionally - spiritually - mentally - physically - to disengage enough so that we live under the illusion that we are really disconnected from others. Then again, many folks spend much of their lives doing thing that enable them to let go and not stay in touch with other people. I find that we do that with the many 'isms.' We keep those folks away from us and make up our minds as to how we will see them and how we will judge them. The Followers of Jesus as staying in touch means we work at keeping 'all of them' in mind and in our prayers and in our life together. It takes work to stay in touch. The wonderful part about such action is that we are constantly finding out the world is bigger and more beautiful than we ever imagined. We also see that it is more brutal and in need of healing. We stay in touch because we are a part of the healing of all things. God of New Life and All Hopefulness, open our eyes and hearts again this day so that more and more of your beloved will enter into our sight and become a part of our life. Amen. Read in browser »  By Redeemer Lutheran on Jul 20, 2015 08:36 am The Followers of Jesus as staying in touch. Comments to: The Followers of Jesus as staying in touch has to do with a connection to our storyline that links us to our God whose love for us and the whole of creation will never cease to create new life - new possibilities. We stay in touch with those stories and we translate them into the time at hand. Too often, there are those folks who read biblical stories and think that the cultural aspects of the story must prevail today. No. we must translate. We must stay in touch with the actions of compassion and bring them into the way compassion needs to be enacted in our time. The Followers of Jesus as staying in touch come away from items like the ten commandments and we do not hold them as something rigid like stone. We stay in touch with the loving intent within those words of promise. We stay in touch with the creative power that will help shape our lives and the life of the community. We are not a people who cling to the ancient, tribal manifestations of religion. We stay in touch with the life that we can enter without trying to live within modes of dress and actions that were needed in another time. God of New Life and All Hopefulness, lead us into the life you have promised for us. Make that life of grace and hope and love ever-present and available to our ever-changing world. Amen. Read in browser »  Recent Articles:
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