By Redeemer Lutheran on Oct 01, 2015 05:50 am The Reign of God as Coming Forth. Comments to: The Reign of God as Coming Forth may be embarrassing - because it simple appears. In that way, it may come within the words or actions of a child - a simple question about how and why things are done. Or maybe, the questions and comments that are from adults but are quite child-like. In other words in the world of big ideas and big actions and big egos, the heart of the Reign of God becomes visible and we all must step back. It is golden. It is vitally alive. It is unlike the ways of power we all know do well. Being caught in that moment of seeing or hearing or being touched by the Coming Forth of God's Reign may be halting - cause us to feel embarrassed because we possibly begin to consider how far we can go away from such a Reign. Now, embarrassment can bring about anger. It need not. It really needs to lead to honesty and vulnerability so that the cycle of the world's power will not have such an easy way with us. O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, awaken us - breathe life into us - shake us and rock us into the reality of your loving Reign. Amen. Read in browser »  By Redeemer Lutheran on Sep 30, 2015 05:50 am The Reign of God as Coming Forth. Comments to: The Reign of God as Coming Forth is not a hard and fast rule that breaks in to set everyone straight. More than likely it is a conversation - a helping hand - a gift of time - a bending of the rules. It seems as though folks turn to the bible or religion to get some hard andfast rules to follow. It can carry the sense of a black and white world. And yet, the Reign of God will never be (nor has it ever been) a rule book or law book ready to catch folks at doing something they should not be doing. I find that we are most often handed ways to be in relationship. That means that those 'rules' may come to be a part of a journey into a dialogue about the well-being of all. The Reign of God as Coming Forth nurtures relationships through honest discussion and compassionate listening and loving action. Those actions are Coming Forth whenever the Reign of God taps us on the shoulder and offers us the opportunity to relate with one another out of a position of gracious love, honor, and respect. O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, let your loving presence hold us and deliver us into a new way of entering into this day. Amen. Read in browser »  Recent Articles: