By Redeemer Lutheran on Sep 10, 2015 05:50 am The Life in the Reign of God as Coming Forth. Comments to: The Life in the Reign of God as Coming Forth makes this moment and this day a time that sits on the brink of God's life of healing and wholeness becoming an actuality. That also means that we are being invited to be a part of it actually blossoming today. I don't mean that to puff anyone up. I mean it more as a way to help us all humbly receive a life that is apart of the hopefulness we hear about so often in Scripture. In the face of what is - are the promises of God Coming Forth and exposing themselves to us. It is then - in the smallest moment of this day or the grandest movement - that we will be a part of the Coming Forth of the life God has always promised is available. The Life of the Reign of God as Coming Forth may change the way we treat the least among us or the most powerful among us. It may pull us into a new dynamic of life as we face or encounter our enemies - both great and small. Therefore, we are encouraged to 'be awake' or 'be watchful' in order to see this Life emerging and Coming Forth with the expectation that we will enter into its emerging fullness. O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, may this Life you have promised emerge among us and through us as a witness to your eternal presence. Amen. Read in browser »  By Redeemer Lutheran on Sep 09, 2015 05:50 pm The Life of the Reign of God as Coming Forth. Comments to: The Life of the Reign of God as Coming Forth stresses the way this Reign simply breaks in and exposes itself to us. Yes, we always pray that God's Reign will come among us and God's will - will be done among us. And yet, as long as we are waiting for another day - another time - another world to be set up - another place to which we must go, that Reign simply erupts and we do not enter that life. I'm not the brightest person in the world so I am especially appreciative when God's Reign is Coming Forth and giving me a push. It may be within a conversation with others - it may evenbe as I witness life that is completely contrary to the Life in the Reign of God. Too often, we hold up images of God's Reign that are within Scriptures. That is not bad. It is often helpful. And yet, those images are not meant to be isolated back in time. They are being exposed and encountered even as we roll out of bed and start this day. The Life of the Reign of God as Coming Forth is the opportunity for us to turn and go in a new direction - or continue on the way of God's peace even in the face of a day that is full of warfare and verbal or physical brutality. And yet, do you do that which I often do - sit back and never step into that LIfe? O God of New Life and All Hopefulness, continue to lead us into the images of your Reign that guide us into the way of your peace and hope and joy. Amen. Read in browser »  Recent Articles:
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