Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It is a New Year - why not go for it - it has to start sometime.

As a person of faith - as a Christian - there are two items in the popular culture that drive me nuts. I find them to be phony issues for the phony faithful. Rather than wait and unveil them later, let me briefly put my take on both of them.

1. The Bible should not be taught in public schools
2. No private, religious school should be given tax money to operate - no family should be given tax money for sending their children to such schools. 

There is a part of me that wants to go back to those letters used back in the 1970s - WWJD. When I pause there - for just a moment - I readily agree with both of my above statements. 

In the first case, there is no way that Jesus would have an Empire/a Nation take over the education of the faithful. For then, courses would quickly become full of lessons on the ways of the empire and not the way of the cross. Empires only teach how to use the cross to eliminate those who enter into the way of the cross - the way of following Jesus. They teach how to scapegoat, blame, belittle, discourage, and ultimately eliminate the way of Jesus and the Prophets. Think here of the Holy Roman Empire and any of its successors since.

The vision of the Christian and Hebrew Scriptures is a vision our government would not allow to be taught in our schools - for they teach a way to live that lets go of the power that Empires and Nations long to possess. And Empires/Nations long to train up followers to seek the same power they give their lives to possess. The Bible cannot be taught in public schools because the students would learn how to live and act in ways that would be contrary to the very structures that attempt to keep everything just as they are - that, would be disruptive. For example, consider how long we have gotten along using words like all man (sic) are created equal - and yet, we did not teach that it was to be a reality - even within a 'Christian Nation'. Rather than honor words that would have been in sync with the teachings of the Scriptures, we dishonored them by the teaching of the Empire. That is, those first words of this nation were somehow mistaken or misspoken or misunderstood. But to ignore those words that were in touch which the visions of prophets and saints, was to make American Christianity into a whore - sorry for that. For though we spoke of being a Christian nation and longed to hear the name of Jesus tumble out of the mouths of everyone, it is all a masterful move by the power and principalities - to keep us from becoming anything but the followers of Jesus.

May I ask, who would teach the Bible in public schools? 
The kind of self-taught preacher or biblical literalists who don't know what it is to read Scriptures with the eyes of poets and prophets and historians and martyrs. When they speak, I hear weapons used to degrade, belittle, subject, discount, and draw endless lines between people. They seek to be puppet masters raising up more puppets being pulled by strings rather than walking freely within the vision of God's masterful and ongoing creativity.

They may be teachers who know well the ways of the power of Empires and Nations so that Christianity can become nothing but good etiquette and nice manners and some well place words of wisdom that are always used to support a culture of violence and success rather than one of limitless benevolence and sacrifice for the well being of the other.
I could go on here - but I would rather encourage parents and friends to stir up the imagination of our children (and ourselves) with visions and promises and stories of faithful people whose lives were able to be given away as gifts to those who follow. No public school can or should be doing  this - there is too much fear - especially when all the Empire wants is to teach  that which they think will make things great rather than just and peaceable.

In the second case, if so-called people of faith do not have the courage to teach their own children what it is to be a follower of Jesus - if these same people bitch and moan and whine because they have to pay the full price of sending their children to their 'religious' schools, then maybe they have already traded in the life of faith taught in Scripture for a faithless life that stays true only when there are gifts to be had. We have public schools. They are meant to teach the children all they will need to know to become respectful, talented, and dependable citizens who will together make up this country. Let's pay for that schooling for all children. I did just say all didn't I - as in all. That will take our money. Ah, but one of our great sins is the need to keep it for ourselves - as though it is mine. Ha.

If we are to make the country great, let's teach the children well - all of them. And if, you or I want our children to be taught the way of our faith, well, send them to the faith classes of your preference - after school or in our homes. Or, send them to the religious school of your liking - but don't make the country pay for our choices here. Yes, if I send my child to a school that is religious - I know I will have to sacrifice to do that. It is my choice. No whining - no bitching - no playing the victim - just send them to school and pay for it. Just think of all the ways that tax money that is used  for your children's religious education could be used in a very, biblical way - to care for those who are not able to choose. We don't become great by whining - so pay up. We don't become great by bitching - so pitch in . We don't become great by getting our way - we share the way. Oh by the way, it is not the way of Jesus to be great - not once and therefore not even - again. We are to be about the rescuing of all people - also called salvation - also called real-life deliverance. That may lead to the cross - hmm - that is the way of the faith.