Friday, November 15, 2002

Friday, 15 November, 2002

From " Self Deception and Autobiography" by Stanley Hauerwas - in The Hauerwas Reader.

The irony of self-deception is that a cynic is less vulnerable to self-deception than a conscientious person. "The less integrity, the less there is motive to enter into self-deception. The greater the integrity of the person the more powerful the contrary inclination, the greater the temptation to self-deception (the nearer to saintliness, the more a powerful personality suffers). It is because the movement into self-deception is rooted in a concern for the integrity of spirit that we temper our condemnation of the self-deceiver.

Just as he speaks of the great temptation to self-deception as one is nearer saintliness, it is all the more important to point out that the ones we have traditionally called saints are saints precisely because they had that marvelous gift of a story to guide them and help to face the reality of the day and of their own situation. In the face of the pressures of time and the world, the saint will often be the one who stands contrary to the world even when s/he is rejected by or dishonored by the world. Those we would call saints (both the living and the dead) are held up because their following in the way of Jesus is a way of truthfulness. This "way" though it demand much and demands that one be utterly conscientious, demands truth telling that is in line with the story of Jesus' way of truth.

Connection: Remember, self-deception is an important part of our coping mechanism....that is we all use it and use it well and use it every day. So, how will this day be gifted by the truth telling of people who follow Jesus? How will truth telling that is in line with the story of Jesus help to shape this day?

Lord of all Truthfulness, lead us into the many facets of our day. There are too many times that we do not risk being your beloved and living as though your love for us is the only power that needs to shape us and move us along this day. Keep us honest and bold and willing to risk within our lives for the sake of the truthfulness of your blessed reign. Amen

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