Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Wednesday, 18 December, 2002

This is a part of a series of devotions based on: God Was In This Place & I , i Did Not Know - by Lawrence Kushner.

First of all many things are bad that are not evil. This is a very important but often overlooked distinction. "Bad" means "unfortunate," "painful," and even "horrible," but it does not mean that someone is necessarily responsible for what has happened. A freak accident, for which no one is to blame, for instance, is "bad," but it is not "evil." Other times "bad" means "unethical," "wicked," and "evil." We cry out that things should have been otherwise and that someone is to blame. And if the one who is to blame acted intentionally, the the "bad" is also "evil." So "bad" can mean either "unfortunate," as in "no one is to blame," or it can also mean "evil" as in "someone has caused this bad thing to happen.

The word that sticks out in my mind is "intentionally." If the one who is to blame for something bad happening acted intentionally, then we look at the action as evil and not only bad. Even as I am typing, I'm beginning to wonder about all the actions of our day that may be difficult to connect to someone's or a groups intentional actions. We hear word like "axis of evil" and "evil empire" to refer to countries and coalitions of countries and this includes the a view point from one side toward another. In fact, the best way to gain support for going off to war is to paint another side as acting in an evil way intentionally. But this is a odd nut to crack. Fighting against evil is why we may go to war in Iraq. Fighting against evil is also the reason given for the bombing of the world trade center. It may be much easier to find out whether an act was bad or evil when we are talking about the actions of individuals, but as it comes in the form of systemic actions and reactions, finding a specific actor and the intention behind the act is very difficult. Maybe we need to keep asking if the harm done...if the "bad" event...was something that could be prevented...could we do something as people/nations/human beings that would stop the spiral of evil that so quickly takes root among us.

Connection: We begin our work against evil by taking responsibilities for our actions. Yes, we do things in our lives that are individuals and as groups. And yet, we are able to turn to one another and admit our intentional acts and ask for forgiveness and seek to rebuild relationships and repair done within our lives. Confession and forgiveness always has a place within the confrontation of evil and the facing of bad stuff that goes on among us.

Lord of All Things, let you Spirit of Wholeness abide with us and empower us to be truthful and seek the welfare of others. Continue to forgive us for our participation in all that goes against your loving reign and turn us into the ways of your peace and reconciliation. Amen

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