Monday, March 17, 2003

Tuesday, 18 March, 2003

From the last section of Thomas Oden's book The Justification Reader.

"What then shall we say about Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh?" (Romans 4:1)

Abraham is the model of faith in the history of salvation. This is seen in his forsaking the land of his birth upon the command of God (Gen.12:1-4), in believing in the promise of many descendants (Gen.12:7; 15:4-8), and in the readiness to offer up Isaac (Gen. 22:1-10; Romans 4:18-21; Hebrews 11:8-19).

Abraham trusted in God, not in his own doubts. "Since Abraham, without the law, obtained glory not by the works of the law (as if he could fulfill the law in his own strength); since the law had not yet been given, the glory belongs to God, not to him. For he was justified not by his own merit, as if by works, but by the grace of God through faith" (Augustine on Romans).

What a wonderful and yet very simple notion. "Abraham trusted in God, not in his own doubts." How many times do you trust in the many questions you have about life or what will happen next or could happen or should happen - rather than in the one word in our lives in which there is no question? I try to tell that to children every week in the children's lesson during worship. That may be why the adults hate it when I speak softly to the children...they want to hear it too! Everyone needs to be reminded...and then reminded again of the one word we can trust...God's first and last action that is always for us...always promise...always life giving - even when death appears to rule. In the Abraham story, Abraham trusted. And yet, we see it as one of the most amazing stories. In the face of all the things that attempt to woo us, Abraham trusts one thing alone...the Lord, God...and the Lord God delivers life. Let the glory be to God.

Connection: Sometimes it is simply impossible for me to grasp the faithfulness of Abraham. Then again, there is this promise about the Holy Spirit igniting faith in each and every one of us. There is no need to go into an evaluative process to judge how "faithful" we have been. We are simply in the position to begin living as people who trust what God says about us. Do turn back and judge yourself or others, rather...begin to walk by faith. And then...again. And then (without looking back), step again into the promised land of God's gracious reign as it is available to us today.

God of Grace, you mend the world and bring your people together as daughters and sons so that we may enter into the fullness of life within your Reign with a sense of wonder and awe. In our warring world, when the gods of the day attempt to break apart your creation, make us agents of your peaceable reign and witnesses to a love that is always seeking to reunite our broken world. Be with us and with all your beloved children. Amen.

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