Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Thursday, May 15, 2003

The opening text will come from a book by Abraham Joshua Heschel (God in Search of Man - A Philosophy of Judaism). As you are able to see by the title, the language may be a bit dated and therefore, I will, when able, make the language inclusive.

It is impossible to define “goodness,” or “fact,” not because they stand for something irrational or meaningless, but because they stand for ideas that surpass the limits of any definition; they are super-rational rather than sub-rational. We cannot define “the holy” or utter in words what we mean in saying “blessed be (God).” What the “holy” refers to, what we mean by “blessed be (God),” lies beyond the reach of words. “The best part of beauty is that which a picture cannot express.”

Isn’t it odd that in the realm of religion there is often the need to “nail down” what is “holy?” There seems to be a strange need to say this “is” and that “is not” holy. Obviously that is done when people want to have themselves somewhat associated with what is called “holy.” In that way, I suppose, a person can be considered a part of what is holy in opposition to “those” who are not. What a game! What is holy…what is a part of the picture of God’s reign and vision for life…is so much greater than our defining lines. We may say “God is great,” but the word Great is not enough to capture or define God. There is such anxiety that abounds when people sense that God and God’s reign is greater than the box in which we want to put God that the anxiety in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife (another image that doesn’t quite define “anxiety”). I simply love the quote Heschel offers in this piece: “The best part of beauty is that which a picture cannot express.” God is great -- indeed!

Connection: Try defining what you love in someone in your life. There may be many things you can say, but there is always more…there is something beyond the words that may have more to do with your love for the other person than what can be said or defined. The parts we are able to “define” are indeed a part of the picture. But then, there is…and…and even…

Gracious God, continue to let your blessed Reign unfold around us that we may catch glimpses of its amazing and endless beauty. For within that which we can only in part, there is the wonderful power that pulls us beyond what we are and how we see so that our lives never stop growing within your domain of love and kindness, peace and justice, mercy and reconciliation. Praise be to you, O God of infinite expressions. Amen.

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