Monday, June 2, 2003

Monday, June 2, 2003

The opening text will come from a book by Abraham Joshua Heschel (God in Search of Man - A Philosophy of Judaism). As you are able to see by the title, the language may be a bit dated and therefore, I will, when able, make the language inclusive.

Most theories of religion start out with defining the religious situation as (humanity’s) search for God and maintain the axiom that God is silent, hidden, and unconcerned with (humanity’s) search for (God). Now in adopting that axiom, the answer is given before the question is asked.

To Biblical thinking, the definition is incomplete and the axiom false. The Bible speaks not only of (humanity’s) search for God but also God’s search for (humanity). “Thou dost hunt me like a lion,” exclaimed Job (10:16).

What an important understanding to set down among us. Rather than the stereotypical picture of people trying to find God or work their way to God…God is pursuing us! That is why I so often use the image of God wooing us into relationship with God. In fact, God will do all things – anything – in order to grab us and have us as God’s own children. In a discussion about forgiveness in Sunday school today, we were moved to push ourselves beyond our image of forgiving and what is “enough” forgiveness and begin to see how God forgives everything that has taken place and all that will take place and that God sees us as we will be at the great feast at the end of time…a beloved, guest. God will stop at nothing to bring us home. That is an unbelievable hunt…and yet we say it is the way of our God.

Connection: When will God grab hold of you today…or when will we stop to recognize just how close God is trying to be to us?

Loving Lord, it is by your grace that you pull us into a relationship with you. Even when we know that we are far from you, we turn around to find that you have moved closer and are reaching out to embrace us and treat us as your beloved. Thanks be to you for the gift of life that comes from your touch and your never-ending love for us. Amen.

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