Monday, December 15, 2003

Monday, 15 December, 2003

This series of devotions are focused around Soren Kierkegaard’s “Christian Discourses etc.” The biblical text to consider during these devotions is: Matthew 6:24-34.

In speaking of the bird and it poverty – here's another take.

How poor not to be able to pray, how poor not to be able to give thanks, how poor to have to receive everything as with ingratitude, how poor to be as it were non-existent for its Benefactor to whom it owes life! For to be able to pray and to give thanks is precisely to be existent for God, who certainly did not once for all give (the bird) earthly riches, ah, no, (God) every day gives (the bird) daily bread. Every day!

The Christian is one who is able to understand that everyday God brings enough…and will do so each day. Therefore, our day is a day of praise and thanksgiving. The very breath of life that sustains us from the first light of day through all that we will encounter is a gift…how rich we are to trust that such a God as our God will be with us and for us like food to eat! The bird has enough every day…and yet…what can it do but merely eat. We are aware of the one who brings all good gifts to our hand. Not only that. Our God brings gifts to even our enemies and those we would rather forget or leave behind. What an amazing grace flows from this God who takes care of the birds of the air and the lilies and…all the children of God’s creation.

Connection: Praise God from whom all blessings flow…however that may be today.

Lord of Life, you provide enough for us to rise and shine and give glory to you for all we have been given. Make this day one in which we are reminded of the wonderful life of rejoicing in the Lord. Amen.

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