Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Wednesday, 25 February, 2004

We will continue to base the devotions on “God for a Secular Culture” by Jurgen Moltmann.

Ever since Aristotle, the principle of “knowledge” has been: ‘Like is only known by like.’

Ever since Aristotle, the principle of “community” has been: ‘Like draws to like.”

…But are they true? Do they contribute to the knowing of “the others’? Do they lead to living fellowship with others? Are we not ourselves ‘the others’ for other people?

I hope that this conversation that will take place within the next few weeks will not be as abstract as it may already appear. That, I suppose is my task in these reflections. I pray it works. The body of Christ includes more than we can see in our own congregations…the Reign of God contains a fullness that is beyond anything we can imagine. And yet, a piece of both are seen within the mirror we face each day. I must also say a piece of both is seen in those who are to our understanding and vision outside the possible boundaries of either the body of Christ or the Reign of God. ‘The other’ is not me. Sometimes, ‘the other’ is a bit of me and therefore I may find it easy to judge ‘the other’ – for I so often dislike who I am (just ask a parent what drives him/her nuts about the way their children act)! Sometimes, ‘the other’ is not at all like me…in any way that I am able to see or hear. They are so beyond my experience that there seems to be no point of reference and therefore I am able to simply walk by…dismiss them. In the Church, we live within a vision that is limitless in regard to time and space and the way people act out their lives. We drawn together by the One who declares eternal worth in each and every one of us – no matter how odd we may appear to others.

Connection: In the people you are able to be with today, people with whom you have some comfort or find something that draws you together, what is it that is like you in them? Can you see it? Don’t just look at what is positive or similar…sometimes opposites attract!

Like your promise to be with us forever and to care for your people no matter what the day may bring, we ask that the creative power of your Reign, O God, would be the power for life that transforms our vision to coincide with your gracious will. Amen.

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