Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Thursday, 19 August, 2004

The opening piece is from “Union with Christ” – The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther.

Gift…constitutes the Christian’s internal good, and it opposes his internal evil, that is, the corruption of human nature. Gift means righteousness and faith of/in Christ. It is donated with the purpose of conquering sin that remains as a corruption of the Christian’s human nature. Gift effects in a sinner his real renewal, because it replaces sin with the righteousness of Christ and purifies a sinner from sin… Luther describes this renewal with the help of metaphors (e.g., leaven, Matthew 13:33). One should also notice that the good deeds of a Christian are good “fruits” provided by gift; that is, they are consequences of receiving the gift.

I think it is important to note that “internal evil” is called a “corruption of human nature.” This evil is not the way we are intended to be who we are. Unfortunately, it is a quick turn and we then become consumed with ourselves rather than fulfill ourselves. This Gift given to us is the door that is open to new life in which we can be the beloved that we are called by God. Being loved in Christ, Jesus, is already the power for life to become a gift to and in the world. Again and again we hear how God’s first action for us is the fuel that ignites lives that reflect the depth and great expanse of God’s love for the world. Therefore, the gift does indeed make for a gift.

Connection: What is the gift we will unwrap for the world today as we begin to interact within God’s Reign?

As you turn us out into this day, O God, encourage us to give ourselves away to others…as a gift. Remind us that as we give there is a great potential for surprises and wonder and miracle to abound beyond our own lives. Amen.

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