Sunday, March 20, 2005

21 March 2005

Walter Brueggemann in "The Prophetic Imagination" now enters into the life of Jesus.

The Dominant Consciousness must be radically criticized and the dominant community must be finally dismantled. The purpose of an alternative community with an alternative consciousness is for the sake of that criticism and dismantling. ...If we are to understand prophetic criticism we must see that its characteristic idiom is anguish and not anger. The point of the idiom is to permit the community to engage its own anguish, which it prefers not to deny.

We must learn to feel the brokenness of the community - the way life is unbalanced - the way power is used to oppress and silence - the way those who have are never satisfied even if it means taking from those who have nothing. That image is one that must be felt. We must deal with the anguish rather than, as Brueggemann suggests, the anger. Anger will throw us into rebellion, warfare, terrorism, and unilateral actions against others. Anguish makes us face ourselves and the way our lives have become a part of this Dominant Consciousness that does little to bring new life to anyone. That is a very sad and disturbing realization. this alternative community deals with what is and literally lets itself weep at what is taking place rather than try to prop it up as though all things are just fine. The prophet knows how to weep and helps us see what all the weeping is about so that we can be a part of something quite different.

Connection: Have no fear even though we may see the powers doing what they please and not caring for the well being of all people. We have an opportunity today to refuse to go along with that view of life. Instead, we can let ourselves feel impact of what is happening and begin to find others with whom we can share our anguish and listen to a new vision.

Lord of Life, how often we find ourselves waiting for the world to be healed - for justice to prevail - for mercy to recreate what is. When your peace and healing and mercy is not alive among us, make us bold so that we will call for your Reign to come again among us. Amen.

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