Monday, January 9, 2006

9 January 2006

From Walter Brueggemann's "Hopeful Imagination" we will look at the power of the word.

Second Isaiah has remarkable things to say to his contemporaries that have no point of reference in domesticated reality. What he says is not derived from his Babylonian experiences. His poetry is indeed about the powerful overriding word of God which will finally have its say in history. This theology of the word refers to a sense that there is an indefatigable agency at work in the historical process that takes its own free course and has its decisive say without conforming to the power and processes of the day.

I don't hear the word "indefatigable" very often. That could be because very few people have that quality so it has no use. We all let a day...turn into bed early...stay in bed a bit later in the morning. But this word is available - always. It is not simply something that is said. The word is what makes something come into being even when there is no evidence showing that the word can bring about what it has laid out for us. From what we can hear from second Isaiah, the word does not need to be accepted by anyone before its truthfulness and creative power begins to act. It will bring us along...even all those who doubt and refuse to listen. This is one of the reasons I like the expression "make all things new." The word of our God does not settle for making a few people and a few parts of creation new. We are told that ALL things are to be made new. I cannot grasp that...but I do know that it means there is more that can and does come into this day than what I am taking time to hear. From the word comes the ability to imagine and from that word inspired imagination, we begin to catch a glimpse of how God intends to move a faithful people.

Connection: In some ways I think that one of the things we can do in the face of this "indefatigable" word is to listen. The promise of God's word is that this word will produce new life. Therefore, it makes sense to listen...and then again. I cannot tell you what you will listen.

Come, Almighty and Gracious Word, bring us into a place we can hear of the vision of life into which you continue to call us. We have plans of our own but we need to be moved to see beyond what our day will look like in order to see the life you offer to us forevermore. Amen.

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