Tuesday, February 21, 2006

22 February 2006

Here is a wonderful description of praise from Walter Brueggemann in "The Covenanted Self."

In their reflection upon creation, liberation, homecoming, and resurrection, the people of God cannot restrain themselves. Praise must be uttered, even though it is an act at least pre-rational if not irrational. Praise invites a poetic act of imagination about God and God's world. Covenanting means self-abandonment, giving self up for the other, and requires the healthy capacity to move beyond self-concern to the unutterable graciousness and awesomeness of God.

"Praise invites a poetic act of imagination about God and God's world." I like everything about this comment. We really must be willing to step out of the boxes of our control and power and illusions of a self-made world to participate in such a simple action as praise of God. In some ways, we let go...and let ourselves enter into a relationship that will continuously shape us. To praise the "unutterable graciousness of God" is to step into its promises that cannot yet be seen completely or experienced to its fullest and yet we define our lives by it all. We praise God for that which is not seen. For me that means that in praising God, I am acknowledging the other...the way other...the wholly other...who is simultaneously at my side guiding me in the ways God's graciousness that becomes my life. In praise, the vision is ever before us...the Reign of God is forever being cast anew within any time and any place. To simply sing, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty..." is to breathe in the wonder of God's Reign and breathe with this wholly other who will abide with us even when we cannot accept God's presence.

Connection: Praise can be as simple as taking a breath. And yet, it can be the way that we receive the power to breathe new life that may be beyond our expectations. Breathe!

O God, your graciousness is our stronghold and as we count on your gracious Reign to take hold of our lives, we can do nothing other than praise you and give thanks. For in your gift of life to us, we are handed so much life to live within this day. Praise to you, O God. Amen.

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