Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Wednesday, 7 June, 2006

Text: Galatians 6:6-10

Those who are taught the word must share in all good things with their teacher. Do no be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. If you sow to your own flesh, you will reap corruption from the flesh; but if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life from the Spirit. So let us not grow weary in doing what is right for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity,let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.

In writing on these verses, one commentator makes this note which I find to be encouraging and wise. He writes: "Judgement is simply getting what you deserve. God's judgement is not vindictive, but a reaction to the human's action; in that sense love removes judgement." Again, the way of loving others - both in the family of faith and outside the family of faith is encouraged. It is our life...It is what we sow...it is what is to grow among us.

Connection: We are always urged to love in the face of any situation and in any time. It is the most difficult way to be alive today and yet it is the greatest gift given to us for the living of this day. Think of it as the power to live today without conditions on our living. We can be loving - vulnerable and available - and no one can take that from us.

Great Teacher and Eternal Spirit, we give you thanks for in Christ you have invited us to walk more fully in your ways. Guide us this day and move us by your power to open up our lives to those we encounter along the way. Amen.

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