Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Today we begin a look at the parable of the dishonest manager in Luke's gospel.

Then Jesus said to the disciples, "There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was squandering his property. So he summoned him and said to him, 'What is this that I hear about you? Give me an accounting of your management, because you cannot be my manager any longer.' Then the manager said to himself, 'What will I do, now that my master is taking the position away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg. (Luke 16:1-3)

Once again we will spend a few days on this parable - this is the first portion. The parable immediately follows the parable of the Two Sons and the Father. It is not a parable that people like. This comment is primarily focused around what the manager will do to get himself out of the mess he now finds himself. On commentator notes that there is a very thin sliver of a note of grace around which this parable builds itself so that this manager will be commended. It happens in this first section of the parable. In this kind of situation, this manager would be long gone - already. There would be no hesitation. There would be no command that sends him back to his books to make an accounting - he's gone. But, this rich man who holds all the cards and all the power acts with a bit of grace...just a bit...well, just a sliver. The question about what the manager will do is all based on this sliver of an opening....a bit of breath. The manager has a plan and we will read it tomorrow. But...the plan is a leap of faith. He is going to throw his next actions into gear by trusting this sliver of grace that allowed him a bit of time...allowed him access to the books...allowed him to make an accounting. He goes for it...a gracious opening will be the only opening to life...no matter how small it looks.

Connection: We act for many reasons every day. Sometimes it is hard to imagine that the grace of God can change the way the day flows. And yet, there are many opportunities to see how the Grace of God does encourage us risk and take chances based on this grace and in line with its story.

Unfortunately, O God, there are many times we walk away from you. So often it is because we have been fooled into hearing about how we must perform appropriately before we are one of your people. Too often, you love and grace is seen as something we must deserve. And yet, you continue to be the source of a life that is handed to us freely. That gracious gift is then the power to bring new possibilities to life. We give you thanks. Amen.

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