Monday, July 2, 2007

Friday, 6 July, 2007

We have looked at components for the practice of hope so now we will let Walter Brueggeman share his consideration about the particular shape of despair in dominant Western society. This is the despair that our hope-filled communities must respond transformative ways.

#2 The silencing of dissent in the interest of security requires a closed ideology that depends upon a cooperative, accommodating religion for legitimacy. The closed ideology that is offered in the name of the holy through policies of exploitative violence is incapable of self-criticisim, incapable of moral reflection, and incapable of entertaining any alternative to present power arrangements. The only project that remains is to ensure that present power arrangements are sustained and made even more absolute, and thus in the name of the holy.

Today I was about to let this piece simply stand. It smells too much like what we are facing in the good old U.S. of A. as it is presently being courted by too many religious establishments. I was going to say simply the religious right is involved in such blessing of the status quo, but I do think that the left is trying to do the same - to some degree. What is most frightening about the work of the Christian Right and the Christian Nationalist and the Dominionists is that they are convinced they are the blessed ones of God and they aim to do this gods business - no matter what. If you want to hear words of fear and threat and anxiety at its highest, listen to the ones who use their preaching to turn people into simple-minded and non-dialogical citizens and people of faith. This is such a dangerous movement in our day. seems to be working for them. That is not a surprise at all. Totalitarianism is often best supported by a good religious foundation - of some sort.

Connection: Listen...listen...listen.

Lord of all Hopefulness, it is by your will alone that we are invited to be a part of your gracious Reign and what we have grasped by your love is that the invitation is open to all and in that wide open rule, comes the birth of a new day and a break from the powers that attempt to win the day and secure it for themselves. Amen.

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