Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thursday 4 October 2007

Here's another look at a side of the law and its function among the followers of Christ - from Tuomo Mannermaa.

Even though the law belongs, in principle, in the "world" and not in "heaven," it has, however, an important task in the believer's life. Although the law "brings death" when acting in the conscience, that is, when exercising dominion in a human being's relationship with God, it is nevertheless good "in itself" (cf. Romans 7:12-13). When the law exercises its ministry of death, its most important spiritual function is to reveal the human being's "true face" behind the masks, and disclose his or her bare faced sinfulness.

Nothing like a mirror to show us who we are. The law can do this. We can quickly tell which side of the law we are on simply with its presence. Yesterday morning, I went through a construction zone and the speed changed from 65 to 55. The law says 55...I'm going 62. I can try to say that I was just moving with the flow of traffic...or...I'm really alert...or...the work crews were not out yet. But, the law says 55. I'm driving out of bounds. I need to know that. At that moment, I have to face me "gotta get there" self-centered self and the request to abide by the law that is set for the welfare of all. There's not much flexibility in a law that is as simple as a number on my speedometer. But the law does hold up that mirror and makes me look at how I fall short and miss the mark of being a law-abiding person within the community. The law is able to show us how often we are ruled by our turned-in-on-self that is always seeking to do the best it can for me and my own. We don't often want to face that "true face." We may follow many laws, but even when we bend or break the least of these, the whole tower of our decency begins to fall flat and we are witnesses to our own brokenness...otherwise called sin.

Connection: It is quite important to remember that our abiding by the law has nothing to do with our relationship with our God who already is on our side and for us. Nothing can bring us into a "deeper" relationship than the one God has already set up for us. So....every moment is an opportunity to be a part of a transforming people who are able to see the law as an instrument of joy within the community.

Lord God, by your loving compassion we are welcome into a relationship with you that cannot be ruled by laws and limits and boundaries. You are the source of our life of joy and freedom and renewal. By your grace we are bless and become a blessing to others as we enter into this day. Amen.

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