Sunday, April 6, 2008

Monday 7 April 2008

Before I sat down to write, I was going to leave the work of Gandhi for another source of reflection. Then I realized I need more of this encouragement in non-violence.

Satyagraha (soul force) is always superior to armed resistance. This can only be effectively proved by demonstration, not by argument...satyagraha can never be used to defend a wrong cause.

Since most of us do not arm ourselves in our everyday life - at least not with guns and swords and the like - it does not mean that we do not easily chose to walk without being armed and ready to defend ourselves against others. Soul force presses for the truth. It is not a force that is used to degrade or belittle another. To degrade another is a kind of force much like armed resistance...but with weapons of words and attitudes and actions. When I think of how I walk through the day, I know that I fall short of pressing for truth. Instead, it is much easier to settle for what will bring comfort or ease to me or my kind. To press on with soul force, even my words must reflect the journey of truth - nothing less. I can talk about that forever...or write about it. What really must happen is the action - the life that comes when the force of love daily defeats the power of violence. In the Church we use this kind of language about baptism. The daily dying and rising...the daily living out of a life of love for others...the daily refusal to settle for opportunities to "lord" over any other. But as we all know, baptism can be turned into little more than a magical wave of water that will protect us in the end. When that is the case, it has no real life consequences. That is where we are wrong. Baptism like satyagraha is the life force of the Reign of God - where peace reigns and self-sacrificial love oversees the way life is lived among us. Even with baptism, the life must show and the words can only follow the action.

Connection: The simplicity of the image of water and its abundance throughout the day is an open door to a world of truth, love, and non-violence.

Lord of the Day, you call us into your Reign so that we will live there in the midst of your gracious love. To live there is a daring act for us for we are so often afraid to trust in the power of your peace and grace. Inspire us to act. Amen.

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