Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday 10 July 2009

Here is a wonderful way to end the week as we consider the meaning of salvation and God's love for us with William Willimon.

Salvation comes to the empty-handed. "Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me," as we sing. The church is not here to produce a product - to make disciples, produce converts, or win people to Christ (not the capitalist metaphors). God in Christ is already doing that. We are simply ( did I say simply?) to point to this particular God, to testify to what has happened in the invasion of our humanity by this God, and to show the world what life looks like when a life submits to the reality of Christ. We have been shown something that much of the world is waiting to see, even when the world doesn't yet know for whom it awaits.

Again, making sure we see what is being done among us. God is at work. We get mixed up in the stew. In the midst of God's work among us and with us we are the seasoning to this wonderful mix of God's Reign. Our lives simply bring this life and love right to the forefront of what the world longs to taste...peace, justice, mercy, loving kindness. We are this salt or seasoning - not the master of the meal. I find Willimon's note about the capitalist language to be something to sit back and consider for awhile. Are we sales people...or...the life that is available for the taking as God's love overtakes us? I think there is a difference here.

Come and get us, O God. Take us as we are and open us up to the wonder of your Reign. Even as we may have no idea of what you will do among us, encourage us to leap into your surprising presence. Amen.

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