Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 19 May, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

 Let's continue with this notion of being re-nepheshed - from Mandate to Difference by Walter Brueggemann.
....sabbath is about recovered nephesh, and nephesh is not a "religious idea," no "soul," but self in all of its complex social existence.  That is why I entitled this presentation, "You Cannot Fool Your Nephesh."  We say often, "You cannot fool your body."  Of course not, but the nephesh more so, for nephesh is that intertwined complexity of all things, spiritual, moral, mental, bodily, and material, the whole self, the true self.  And it will not be lied to.  There are limits because we are in the image of the God who is limited to six days of energy.  We are often depleted like God and just like the ox and just like the donkey and just like a slave and just like and immigrant, we must pause.  Pushed beyond that limit, the nephesh evaporates and creation fails.  And so we must pause.
I suppose we could say that we are not fully human unless we rest.  It is there that the creativity of our humanity is renewed and ready to be a part of every day.  Without rest - without the time for refreshment - do we let ourselves look up to the beauty of the sky and the image of God in the faces of those around us?  I often write of taking a breath and letting that be the beginning of seeing thing new and even uncovering the joy that is always right alongside or even in front of us.  That breath is just a taste of what comes with rest that persists and interrupts everything we think we must do our finish or attain.  This refreshment is something that comes more readily when we have others who remind us of the gift that is ours.  For me, "remind" is a more graceful action than a list of regulations that are meant to put shape to the time of refreshment that is able to bring us into full life.  I need you to remind me of the gift of sabbath rest.  If you attempt to push me into rest, my mind never rests.  I enjoy invitation and I think I respond best to that.  This may even mean that this rest or refreshment may be something utterly spontaneous - but greatly needed.  Such rest may teach me what more rest is able to bring to life.
Connection:  Are you able to noticed that you are depleted?  I mean this as a question directed to each week - not the whole year.  If so, how and when are you refreshed?
Living water of life, you refresh us by our word of promise and your participation in all of creation and by leading us into the pathway of refreshment that opens us to new life again and again.  Tickle us with your promises that we will look up and find time to stop all that we attempt to do and let your gift of life come together in all its fullness. Amen.  

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