Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Redeemer Devotions - 03 August, 2010

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

  One of the great frustrations I am having with these devotions is one that has never haunted me over the thousands of devotions I have written.  I write something - I save it - I schedule it - and then, I find out that only part of it was sent off to folks.  I'm sorry about that and I now know that my original purpose of writing devotions was for me alone.  So, I suppose when it doesn't all make it out to you folks, it is still an important part of my daily routine and reflections.  Here is more from Jurgen Moltmann.
When we talk about the church in 'the fellowship of the Holy Spirit', we are presupposing that the community between people and God which is the work  of the Spirit reaches out beyond the church.  It takes hold of people in Christ's church and drives them out into the world of the living; for according to the promises in the Bible, the Holy Spirit is 'poured out upon all flesh'.  When the church invokes God's Spirit and claims its fellowship with the Spirit, it is seeing itself as the beginning in history of this event.  At the very point where the church confesses its faith in Christ, it experiences itself in the wider cosmic dimensions of the coming of the Holy Spirit for the redemption and transfiguration  of the world.
On a quick review - all of my writing was once again left off.  I need to take some time to breathe through this glitch again. Thanks.

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