Friday, January 20, 2012

Redeemer Devotions - January 20, 2012

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Today is the last devotion based on Rene Girard's look at Satan. I think it is an interesting way to end.


Modern folks (Christians) have become ashamed of Satan - and in the end also ashamed of the Gospel. Non Christians point to Satan as proof that the gospels are outmoded and the always timid Christians obediently try to censor Satan out of their own Scriptures.
We must do the reverse - we must focus on Satan and discover that the Gospels are their own best source of modernization.
We must focus on Satan to realize that far from being the archaic myth that we imagine, the defeated Satan of the Gospels in an enormously powerful critique of all archaic myths, a conception of culture and history so rich that its relevance to our own world is still unfathomable.
Are we so afraid of the truthfulness of the existence of the Father of lies that we convince ourselves to lie about the presence of this force for evil within our culture? The only way through  this mimetic violence is to reside in the hope of the Cross and Resurrection. It is the ability to say no to the lies that serve to keep the powers alive and prospering.  We are not to be finger-pointing people who think we have it all and that we know all that is evil 'out there.' If that was our goal, our goal would be to become a part of the evil we claim to expose. Rather, we must prayerfully be able to critique ourselves and the powers around us. Often we will see that we are a part of those damn power. Internally we may need to say "get behind me Satan" when we see ourselves slipping into the murderous ways that have existed from the beginning of time. Oh, and it is easy to slip into just such a place. I could be we need some additional language to speak of the power of Satan in the world today so that we can wage a resistance that brings light and new life.


Connection: There is a song that says: I want to walk as a child of the light. Well, we can. We have been given the Spirit of life that will defend us and support us when the world rejects the light of the Christ alive among the followers of Jesus. We must learn to walk with one another as we face the sway and the pull of the evil that want to own the world - even though it is a defeated power. Such a walk is not done alone.


As you walk with us, O God, help us keep that power of evil lit up so that its every act is done in the open and all may see its many tricks and ways of death. Guide us, forever, into the light of your Messiah.  Amen.


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