Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Redeemer Devotions - July 12, 2012

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

Alison also goes on to write about the universal quality of idolatry and he does that by turning to Romans.


 It is not only sin that is universal, but for anyone who believes in the goodness of God that has been made manifest in the handing over of Jesus followed by his raising up, then righteousness is universally available. It is of course the same insight that has brought the understanding of wrath to its sharpest definition - the killing of the Son of God - that made it possible to be set free from wrath. This is the import of (Romans) 5:9: "Since therefore we are now justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath." The true understanding of wrath came about exactly at the same moment as there emerged the possibility of being freed from it: it is the forgiveness of the resurrection which defines the nature of sin.


We will be saved from this idolatrous 'moving away' from the life God hands us as the beloved of God. The world of paybacks and vengeance and retribution and put-downs comes to an end through the forgiveness that we see on massive display in the resurrection. Out idolatry - our sin - our turned-in-on-selves, is exposed as  wrath. Our lives are set with a resurrection freedom that opens up the truthfulness about ourselves and how our way of running our worlds is quite contrary to the vision of God's Reign. The resurrection destroys the wrath that has made life hell for all of us. We are people of God's shalom - God's forgiveness, and it is the power for new life even in the face of the brutality of our world. Maybe it is right to say that life outside the bounds of forgiveness is not life at all. Therefore, the resurrection can be said to bring us life - really life. Not the same old games of violence and rivalry and death.


Connection: More and more I hear the call for life - for action - for movement of this resurrection reality into the very heart of the day at hand in which we enter as followers of Jesus. It is an 'at the cross' kind of life and therefore it can appear frightening. And yet, it is also a life that comes with promise - new life will rise - new life will emerge as the way in which we can walk through any day. Our brokenness will dog us - but we have been told that it does not have the power to win the day - so let's forgive and try out the new day - no matter what threat may be in the air.


O God of life, turn us into a people of hope and forgiveness. Amen.






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