Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Thursday, 23 January, 2003

We continue with selections from The Justification Reader by Thomas C. Oden.

Justification does not result from higher commitment to greater ideals or more advanced actualization of good character or better performance of the demands of the law. It is solely due to a declaration of God's merciful attitude toward the sinner whose life is hid in Christ.

Some things cannot be said or announced too much. This is one of those pieces of our faith that must be like a bell or buzzer going off throughout the day to simply remind us of God's amazing and justifying grace. It is such a contrary notion within our world. Unfortunately, it is also a contrary notion to what is often preached as the Good News and is not Good at all - for it keeps running away from the total and complete and the universal action of God for us. The power for life that come from this word of justification is one we must share within the body of Christ. It becomes the meal we share - the wine we drink - the bread we pass - the conversations we enter - and the presence we feel as we gather together. The whole enables each person to see the life that is promised.

Connection: Be the beloved community! There are many ways we can let one another know of the gift of life that is offered to each of us today. We become the voice box of such a word or the touch that alerts others to God's gracious presence with us. What a powerful gift we are through God's merciful action in Christ for all people.

Lord of Life you bring a breath of fresh air into our day and pull us into your blessed rest and hope-filled vision. Thanks to you for sending sisters and brothers to remind us of your eternal love that wraps us up and nurtures our living. Amen.

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