Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Wednesday, 3 September, 2003

From William C. Placher’s “Narratives of a Vulnerable God”

Sheer power, Barth says, “is not merely neutral. Power in itself is evil. It is nothing less than freedom from restraint and suppression.” Sheer power in that sense is not the adult’s thoughtful command of the situation but the infant’s worst willfulness grown beyond restraint, mad Caligula made emperor of Rome. “It is blasphemy to ascribe this kind of power to God.” But God’s power is the power of love, which does not seek to dominate, which does not act arbitrarily…but acts consistently in love which authentically concerns itself for others.

Love shapes the power of the Reign of God. It therefore is the shaping force behind the power that ignites our very being as children of God. How we move…how we face our neighbor and our enemy…how we enter into discussions and dig into the life concerns of our world – are all touched by the hand of our God who…loves. To fight and lash out and yell and destroy are met with an embrace that reminds us of the possibilities for life that are unleashed when God’s love leads us and guides us. God’s love takes us on an adventure hardly popular…but profoundly joy filled.

Connection: How will our day be seasoned with “authentic concern for others” which is at the heart of the love that is given to us by our God?

Loving Lord, wrap us up with your loving kindness that we may spin out into this day with the memory of what it is like to be empowered by a love that is far beyond the life we would lead on our own. O Prince of Peace, be our way of love and our power to stand within this day as your beloved. Amen.

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