Friday, November 21, 2003

Friday, 21 November, 2003

We begin with a piece from “Ethics” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

The irreconcilable opposite of action is judgment.

“He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge” (James 4:11).

There are two possible attitudes to the law: judgment and action. The two are mutually exclusive. The (person) who judges envisages himself as being responsible for the execution of the law. (This person) forgets that there is only one lawgiver and judge “who is able to save and to destroy” (James 4:12). If a (person) employs his/her knowledge of the law in accusing or condemning (a brother or sister), then in truth (this person) accuses and condemns the law itself, for (the person) mistrusts it and doubts that it possesses the power of the living word of God to establish it self and to take effect by itself. In making (oneself) the lawgiver and the judge (that person) invalidates the law of God.

Hence there arises the irreparable cleavage between knowledge and action.

And yet, how we love to judge. But that is not necessarily so. Most of us would say we leave the judging up to God. Then, on the other hand, we are quick to be the ones who carry out the judgment for God. We exclude. We shun. We make note that some are not like us…and we, of course, are the way that must be followed. It is quite sad that we often do not hear how the law condemns all. We usually hear “them” or “some” or only “in the following situations” – and we, thank God, are not in one of those. We are called to love one another. That takes much doing…much acting. That is our response to the God of Grace and Glory. We are not called to judge others. That takes simple sitting back and attempting to rule over…or “lord” over others. The Reign of God revealed in Christ, Jesus, frees us from taking on a life that is not intended for us. Our life is to be ones as heirs of the Reign of God…as children of the Most High God…as “doers” of the law and the loving way it keeps us living in harmony with one another. We are invited to boldly act as the Loving children of God and boldly resist the temptation to take God’s position for ourselves.

Connection: There are too many ways to connect to today. Try to simply find a few places in the day when we are tempted to judge rather than act. And remember, that the actions of the followers of Jesus…are empowered and initiated by a gracious love for all.

O Ruler of Glory and Merciful Judge of all things, you have set us free to live in loving response to the many gifts of life that you place before us. Encourage us to trust in your word and walk with confidence as our lives are filled with acts of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace. Amen.

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