Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday 2 July 2007

Walter Brueggeman notes four necessary components for the practice of hope shared by Jews and Christians. Today we look at #2.

Hope requires a community of faith and action that is open to newness that will be given as a gift. Hope is indeed a communal activity, for none can fully hope alone. The intention of Holy Agency is to form communities of obedient action that rely upon and respond to divine intention. The formation and maintenance of such a community is always problematic because the many narratives of despair are, on the face of it, more impressive and more reassuring than the narratives of hope.

When we hope, we are taken into a new life. And yet, we are also surrounded by the reality of the day that is filled with these "narratives of despair." In order to move along through this despair and begin to walk in the way of hope always means for me the presence of others. It is good to hear Brueggemann say that hope requires a community of faith and action. To be alone is to spin around within a context of despair that can very easily pull us into that despair in one shape or another. To hope alongside others who hope enables us to act within that gift of hope that sees beyond what is and is not afraid to move into that which is hoped for. At the same time, I think it is important to note that what is hoped for...changes. As it changes, there is all the more need for the community of hope to be present. It is there in the conversations of these people that we are given the courage to act and the humility to act in ways that may not be my own. Hope burst into this gathering of faithful people. Sometimes it is not within the shape we have imagined. All the more reason to have others with us. Those others, become for us the encouragement to move from despair into a new reality not yet visible completely.

Connection: We would do ourselves well to stay connected and not go off and attempt to be all that there is. Dialogue with other people of hope can be the power to change the day.

Come, O Hope, come and take us by the hand and introduce us to those who would hope for new life with us. By the power of your Spirit of life, lift us up from our own self-serving vision of what is and carry us into your vision of a day that is yet to be revealed fully for all. Amen.

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