Friday, December 14, 2012

Redeemer Devotions

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

God as love never ends - never lets go - never sits back - always takes on the world and its broken ways



I know people who can remember the lyrics to songs - long quotes from books - scenes from movies - all the actors and actresses in movies and television shows. I think that is wild. I'm lucky to remember what I have to do today or how I did the same thing last month or last week. And yet, we are a people who are called to remember. That is what holds us together as a people who say we are faithful to our faithful God. We remember what God as done for us and what God promises to be for us as the day moves along. I'm thankful that in this adventure of remembering - for someone who forgets so easily - we say we count on the Holy Spirit to lead the way and be the power that keeps us on the way.  I count on a very small amount of stuff to pull me through the promises of God. Thank God the load is light and never can be diminished.


I think that God makes the stories of God's faithfulness stick. We may brush them off here and there, but the stories - the love - never stops sticking to us. It is quite like those nasty burrs that have barbs like Velcro. They never let you go and it is a crazy mess to try and undo them from clothing. There have been times when I was sure that the burr didn't stick to me - only to realize that is caught on a piece of clothing I did not see and by the time I notice it, the burr has continued to transfer itself onto all my other clothing. I count on the stories of God's faithfulness to stick to me even when my life is focused elsewhere. In that way, my memory is not the vital part of the new life that is meant to become my own. Rather, as I long to go one way, I find myself exposed to that love that - like a burr - continues to hang onto me. I need that kind of love to hang on to me for I surely find many reasons to let go of it.


Knowing that God's love is forever and always present and always able to turn me around, helps me to know that such an image of love is possible within my life. Why? Because I have this creative, loving, merciful, forgiving God at my side - even when I don't expect God or 'feel' God's presence. That eternal presence is the power that opens the door to new life - reflective of God's love. I imagine Jesus always leaning back on the promise in order to make the moment at hand one in which he was able to be a loving presence himself. I go back to that simple refrain "We love - because God first loved us." God as love shapes my loving so that it does not become a self-centered love - which may not be love at all. In fact, self-centered, self-indulgent, turned-in-on self love loses its creative energy because it has no place to go. It is self-consuming. God's love will always pull me out of myself so that as I am drawn in to love the world around me, I will also see the possibility of the love of God available and present in those I encounter. It is always a surprise and always a great blessing.


But now, this God as love is the power that puts Jesus up on the cross. Love? Yes! God as love is expressed as love for one another - even when that love means that I or we must face something like complete rejection for exhibiting love without condition. Yes, the cross is a brutal expression of fear and hate and control, but it is the power of a world that is ruled by fear and hate and control. When God as love comes alive - as it did in Jesus - what is a world like ours to do? When we look at the confusion of Holy Week it sure looks like even the powers of the day did not know what to do. They did not know -for sure - how to point fingers in such a way that they would look good and Jesus would be considered a threat - even evil. For us, the cross is the full expression of the way this God as love becomes alive among us. God is with us - for us - for them - with them - judging all as beloved and willing to take the hit for any and all that God calls beloved. This is even as the powers of the day long to have people who can be put out and sent away. The cross say "no" to any such action/judgment and "yes" to a love that faces the worst of the power of brokenness for the well-being of even those who are thrown out of the systems of the world. We need to take a look around us and come to grips with what it means to face the powers with an unrelenting love in action.


I often return to something as simple as breathing. It is there in those moments that we are in contact with the very beginning of God whipping up life at the beginning of all things with a Spirit of commotion and exploding life that we have a moment to consider what is the shape of God as love - among us - in us - as us. Too often, I have great thoughts but they fall apart much too quickly and I follow the ways of the violence of the world in all too many of its shapes. The breath -------- is a reminder. The breath -------- is a punctuation point that allows the next move or word to be one shaped by the breath of God. God as love unfolds for us within that breath. It is within the unfolding of that breath that we learn to speak words of peace - act in the ways of peace - stand up against the very persuasive powers of down right ugliness and destruction. So breathe on us breath of God that your people will take in something as foreign as your love and make it our own.


O God of love and new life, huff and puff and blow our house down. We need to take up a new residence in you alone.  Amen.








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