Thursday, February 28, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for February 28, 2013

God as eternal judgement - an opportunity to think about these words that cause

some folks to shudder with fear. If you have any comments - []Eternal is one of those words that also can frighten folks. Those sign boards on

freeways - the ones that try to shake us into some kind of faith in a god I don't

buy - try to make sure we hear their version of 'eternity' as we drive by. Eternity

is time spent in hell - forever and ever. This eternity is meant to move you to

go through personal ritual that will somehow save you from this kind of eternity.

Well, the followers of Jesus are to be teaching our children and one another that

eternal is indeed a forever and ever kind of time. It is time embraced by God. It

is time and life claimed by God. It is not an on again - off again claim. It is

eternal. God never steps away from the promise for life that is meant to be the

foundation for time and then time beyond time. Just watch the story line throughout

Scripture. From Abraham down, we see such foolishness and disfunction and downright

stupidity and evil - and yet - there is our God always (eternally) giving and leading

and holding and forgiving. God as eternal judgment is available for us in and through

all of our days so that we might have life - that life will be shaped by the promise.

When we are led by fear and doubt, we do not have life to the fullest. When we have

a place to rest - a power that will be with us - a life that is handed to us by

our God who keeps promises, we can risk everything to step into God's invitation

to enter eternal life that reflects God's image.

I must admit, it is not easy to listen to our God when the world around me is speaking

differently. Not being the brightest cookie in the box, I can too easily be pulled

into life that really only offers life full of death. It always takes me a while

to hear the eternal promise and the eternal gift that is enough to transform all

things forever and ever.

O God of love and new life, we give you thanks for giving us the ears to hear the

eternal gift of your loving presence. It i always the beginning of new life. Amen.

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