Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for October 15, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as violence out of control. If you have any comments  - adebelak@redeemerluth.com.


As I read a few lines this morning, 'violence out of control' stuck out for me. Was not sure why. Then I realize that when God is God - as God always is, God's graciousness and forgiveness and mercy and peace and nonviolent relationship are at hand and 'violence is out of control.' That is, no longer are the powers of evil the powers of death and the power of violence able to be in charge and able to control us. God as violence out of control is a statement of faith - God Reign - no other power - violence is OUT OF CONTROL. It is not easy to think like that - let alone live as though that is true. I was wondering about the articles this week in the Columbus Dispatch. They are focusing on teens and gun violence. It all seems as though violence is in control. I wondered about being a teen and living without that reality. Imagine what it would take to walk with our God as violence out of control. It would mean a different walk. It would mean we are asking our young people to not follow the way of 'an eye for an eye' or the way of destructive control of others. God as violence out of control means that we - along with our young people - must not let the violence that comes too easy to us - claim our hearts. For when that happens, our hearts will ache forever until they come to rest in God alone - where nonviolence creates life. 


O God of love and new life, continue to bring us into the company of those saints who will remind us of the way you take the control of the world out of the hands of violence. Then help us rest and live and boldly live in peace. Amen.









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