Monday, November 11, 2013

Redeemer Devotions for November 11, 2013

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as waiting. If you have any comments  -


Think - endlessly waiting - a waiting that is not moved by anything that happens along the way - a waiting that lasts even when no one else is staying around and the waiting one looks quite foolish for still waiting. God as waiting will be in place - with us - for us - on our side. This is the reality in which our God bids us to live. This is not a god waiting to punish us. This is God as waiting as a love that will not let us go even after we have claimed that we have cut the strings and now are out on our own because we can handle it all. God as waiting is always ready for the next step - willing to walk with us even when it is into a hellish life or walk with us when we have no place to go. God as waiting is available to be the rock - the ground - the foundation of new life even when we claim not to need any of it. Therefore, there is no time in which we cannot be uplifted and held and nurtured by this God. When we are about to give up and fall into the grip of the ways of this world, God as waiting is there to catch us and lift us - without any conditions put on God's actions.


O God of love and new life, there is a peace present when you are with us. Too often we do not accept the fact that you are close at hand and therefore we miss the presence of your peaceable Reign. Open our eyes again today.   Amen.









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