Monday, March 17, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for March 17, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 

This week: God as un-theoretical. If you have any comments - .


God as un-theoretical is my way of saying 'come and see.' This is the God who creates life - real life. It takes shape when discouraged people are transformed into people of hope and when that hopefulness is a part of their lives - they become brave. This is not a mental exercise. I have seen cowards become brave - even if just for a moment. And the reason for their movement into a character of bravery is the Word that reminds them of God as un-theoretical - God who moves people from the inside out - God who moves people to live and not sit back and watch the world go by. God as un-theoretical takes ordinary folks and does not demand that they 'get it' - that they are able to piece together an intellectual system that will explain who God is and how God acts. Instead, ordinary folk are transformed into servants of others - stewards of creation - voices of hope - companion who walk with others when the walking gets tough - instruments of peace and justice. God as un-theoretical takes apart all the road-blocks we put in the way of people who want new life. Instead of trying to fit into how one group or another group demand things to be, God as un-theoretical invites us to walk into the character of love that is at the center of God's action among us.


O God of love and new life, we give you thanks for being present and inspiring new life among us even when we don't 'get it' as some say we must. When we are simply moved to live within the domain of your love, it seems as though your Spirit enters our hearts and we 'get it.' Praise to you, O God. Amen.





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