Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Redeemer Devotions for June 4, 2014

Adventures... in Hope - Redeemer Devotions 


The Reign of God as movement. If you have any comments - .


The Reign of God as at hand is a place and time in which we can rest in the promises of God. We can rest knowing that we are beloved and that status before God - that status that is right here and right now "at hand" - is enough to make us a bold and courageous people. The Reign of God as at hand does not demand that we become someone different. Rather we are now - in this place and time - being shaped for a life in which we do not need to work for the acceptance of others or fit in as the world likes us to fit in. The Reign of God as at hand is life in which we are the living presence of this God who graciously walks in the midst of all the good, bad, and ugly within the world. And as we do that, we do not have to fit in. We can offer ourselves to the world just as we are - beloved by our God and shaped with the character of God's endless Reigning love. We can rest because there is no power that can take away the truth about as seen by our God. Our lives can rest within God's identification of us even when the world tries to name us differently. Now - in this moment at hand - God is grabbing hold of us and will not let go. That is why we are free to let go of all the life that is just trying to kill us. Rest.


O God of love and new life, help us rest in you alone and live as though we are refreshed by your Spirit.  Amen.







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