By Redeemer Lutheran on Jun 01, 2015 05:50 am The Followers of Jesus as ready. Comments to: The Followers of Jesus as ready has too do with be awake and being able to read the world in which we are walking. It means considering information not at all obvious and yet important to the dynamics of the day. Last week I was at a training for religious leaders who have volunteered to be on the front lines between police and crowds of citizens when an event breaks out in Columbus. I learned so much about police training and their skills - quite amazing when it is done within a good system. Being ready in their work means being aware of movements, gestures, positions, and even the unseen movement that comes when someone tenses up - ready to react or strike. The officers will often act before the next movement take place on the side of someone they are engaging. It made me realize that these public servants are standing ready even when they seem to be at ease. The Followers of Jesus as ready are invited to hold in our hearts and minds and bodies a life that is ready to respond to the world around us. Therefore, in the presence of violence, we must be ready to be a peaceful presence and if need be a life-giving presence. That takes work. That takes contemplation. That takes a discipline. That takes a spirit of new life ready to make situation at hand into something creative and peaceable. God of New Life and All Hopefulness, we stand at the beginning of a new day - new experiences - new moments filled with possibilities that may overwhelm us. Be present with us as you have always promised that we will be ready to stand as your beloved, Jesus, in this time. Amen. Read in browser »  By Redeemer Lutheran on May 29, 2015 06:50 am If you have comments: The Followers of Jesus as forgetful are being healed - always healed - so that today can be new and our love for others will be able to show beyond and through all the doubts and fears and wounds that sometimes keep us locked out of today and unavailable for God's in-breaking Reign. I find that too often, I hesitate because something - not always clear - pulls me back. It is as though an incident or a word or an interaction from the past has its way with me. It is an odd experience for sometimes it mean that I react to quickly to what is happening (maybe pulled back by things of the past that have a hold on me) and sometimes I delay and seem not to be able to act (again, pulled by things my life cannot forget). Therefore, I really think the Followers of Jesus must learn to breathe. In breathing, we let ourselves take in the new and let go of the old - give ourselves space and time - allow for moments of reflection before we march into the world around us. So maybe being forgetful is really an exercise in remembering whose we are so we can be just that! God of Love and All Hopefulness, once again breathe with us and take us into your future that is Reigning down upon us. Amen. Read in browser »  Recent Articles:
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