Friday, September 27, 2002

Friday, 27 September, 2002

When I am out and about in my daily life and fear or anxiety seems to be pressing in on me I long for a place to rest...a place to steady my stance...a power outside of myself that will fortify me even though I am most convinced that I am about to be overwhelmed. Many times, the place and the power that comes to stand with me is in the form of other people. Not that I want others to try and fix my wavering life, rather I find that the "company of saints" has the ability to remind me of the power that is available from our God...for all the moments of our lives. Again, I will draw from "The Hauerwas Reader" as he quotes Aquinas in regard to courage...or, as Aquinas calls it, fortitude. ...fortitude is about fear and daring, as curbing fear and moderating daring."

We will experience fear and we will become anxious. That's life. We are also given the power to face our fears and respond to them in a way that can be called courageous without being reckless. When we turn to other people in order to re-view what frightens us or what cause our hearts to be anxious, we enter the possibility that we will be transformed...even as we are afraid...into daring people.

Connection: It may two or three people to help us be courageous today. Rather than sit back and be owned by fear, we can dare to reach out for those who will stand with us and encourage us to walk out into the midst of what seems to be threatening our day.

Encourage us, O Lord, so that we find within the breath we share with those around us, the marvelous power of your Holy Spirit whipping around and making this day full of new adventures in grace and peace. Amen.

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